Using q-Status Patch to Updating q-Status™ 

This technical documents described how to apply a q-Status™ patch to the q-status software installed on a Linux base web server.

Download the Patch from the Client provide portal

The patch file should be a zip file in the format of


This patch is provided as zip file. It must be unzip in the same directory as q-statusLinux program directory. For example :

[root@utility01 html]# pwd
[root@utility01 html]# ls
conf        KICKSTART        qstatus.repository        q-statusWindows
Images      LICENSES         q-statusSolaris           
index.html  q-statusLinux    q-statusView
[root@utility01 html]#

Place the patch zip file in /var/www/html

[root@utility01 html]# cp ~mbarto/q-statusLinux5.40Update10_patch.zip .
[root@utility01 html]# ls
conf        KICKSTART      q-statusLinux5.40Update10_patch.zip  q-statusView
Images      LICENSES       qstatus.repository                   q-statusWindows
index.html  q-statusLinux  q-statusSolaris 
[root@utility01 html]#

Unzip the file will create several files:

[root@utility01 html]# unzip q-statusLinux5.40Update10_patch.zip 
Archive: q-statusLinux5.40Update10_patch.zip
inflating: FILES_REMOVE
inflating: INSTALL
inflating: LIST
inflating: PARAM_FILES
inflating: README-Instructions
inflating: SAVE_FILES
inflating: Update10_patch.tar
[root@utility01 html]# ls
conf KICKSTART q-statusSolaris
Images q-statusLinux SAVE_FILES
index.html q-statusLinux5.40Update10_patch.zip SAVE_FILES_DIR
INSTALL qstatus.repository Update10_patch.tar
[root@utility01 html]#

Updating your Current q-Status™

Execute the file INSTALL script.

[root@utility01 html]# ./INSTALL 
 q-Status Linux Version 5.40 Update10 PATCH INSTALL Program
 Copyrighted 2019 LogiQwest
 This script must be run as root!
 This program and its supporting files must be located in the
 parent directory where the q-statusLinux directory is located.
 (e.g. /var/apache/htdocs)
 Enter cariage return to continue or "Q" to quit:
 q-Status Linux Version 5.40 found! Beginning Update
 Saving Overwrite Files...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/conf/qStatus.conf in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/conf/suffix.search in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/conf/sysImages.xref in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/conf/selectHosts.tasks in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/conf/selectHost.tasks in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/FTPxfr_parameters.txt in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/PARAMETERS_LOC in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/SSHput_parameters.txt in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/list_configs.sh in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/list_configs_disks.sh in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/qstatusANTxfr.properties in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/Alert.conf in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_base.conf in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_disk.conf in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_FILES_DIR directory...
 Saving Parameters...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 .......... saving current q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf in SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory...
 Removing obsolete files .............
 Removing obsolete directories .............
 Creating q-statusLinux/data/data_custom Directory
 Creating q-statusLinux/data/data_custom_baseline Directory
 ***** The q-statusLinux directory has been updated *****
************** Extracting and copying update files **************
Restoring parameter files .....
 Checking for old rpm files and removing
 Update Complete
 Do you wish to remove Update Files (Default [Y]):y
 Removing Install Program and Files
 .......... CUSTOM_DIRECTORIES removed
 .......... DIRECTORIES_REMOVE removed
 .......... FILES_REMOVE removed
 .......... INSTALL removed
 .......... LIST removed
 .......... PARAM_FILES removed
 .......... README-Instructions removed
 .......... SAVE_FILES removed
 .......... Update10_patch.tar removed
 .......... SAVE_PARAM_FILES directory removed
 Verify this update has been successful installed by accessing the 
 About.html page by clicking the revision number in the Main Header 
 (e.g. Version 5.40 of q-Status Linux GUI and verifying that this 
 is indeed q-Status Linux Version 5.40 Update 10. 
 The following parameter files are not overwritten by this patch
 .......... q-statusLinux/conf/qStatus.conf
 .......... q-statusLinux/conf/suffix.search
 .......... q-statusLinux/conf/sysImages.xref
 .......... q-statusLinux/Custom/customGUI.html
 .......... q-statusLinux/conf/selectHosts.tasks
 .......... q-statusLinux/conf/selectHost.tasks
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/FTPxfr_parameters.txt
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/PARAMETERS_LOC
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/SSHput_parameters.txt
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/list_configs.sh
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/list_configs_disks.sh
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/qstatusANTxfr.properties
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/qstatusANTxfr.sh
 .......... q-statusLinux/Goodies/WorkArea/bin_updates/qstatusANTxfr_disks.sh
 .......... q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/Alert.conf
 .......... q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/smtp.conf
 .......... q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_base.conf
 .......... q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_disk.conf
 .......... q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf/mail_list_security.conf
 A directory SAVE_FILES_DIR is retained by this update. It 
 contains saved version of these files from this patch. 
 This directory can be removed. 
 The Custom directory refers to custom data defined by its parameter
 file. This requires two new directories defined by the 
 Custom/conf/qStatus.conf file. This update will created as place 
 holders a data_custom and a data_custom_baseline with no demo data.
 To review the functions of the Custom directory, it may be more 
 advisable to download the q-Status version with demo data. Hence 
 the examples in custom directory will not function when installed 
 with the patch process unless custom data is provided. 
 Thank you for using q-Status. For support issues feel free to 
 contacts us: 
 LogiQwest, Inc. 
 16458 Bolsa Chica Street #15 
 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 
 Telephone 714-883-1949 
 We like to hear from our clients. 
 [root@utility01 html]# ls
conf index.html LICENSES q-statusLinux5.40Update10_patch.zip q-statusSolaris q-statusWindows
Images KICKSTART q-statusLinux qstatus.repository q-statusView SAVE_FILES_DIR
[root@utility01 html]#

Configuration files from your old version are save when overwritten by the patch in the "SAVE_FILES_DIR" created by the running the patch. The patch update process return files to their original release state and in some cases the patch may make structure changes to the file.

You can copy files from or collect parameters as required to restore your system.

Tricks and Suggestions

Because the patch updates only affect file that the q-Status™ program installed, a common trick is to create copies of these file in the directives where the file might be overwritten. For example, this what is contained in the

[root@utility01 bin_updates]# ls
 DATADIR                  list_configs.sh          qstatusANTput.xml             SSHput.sh
 FTPxfr_disks.sh          list_web_configs.sh      qstatusANTxfr.properties      TEMPLATE.send_message.recipient.txt
 FTPxfr_parameters.txt    PARAMETERS_LOC           qstatusANTxfr.properties.LQW  VERSION
 FTPxfr.sh                qstatusANTput_disks.sh   QSTATUS_PARAMETER
 list_configs_disks.sh    qstatusANTput_disks.xml  SSHput_disks.sh
 list_configs_extract.sh  qstatusANTput.sh         SSHput_parameters.txt
 [root@utility01 bin_updates]# 

Note the file "qstatusANTxfr.properties.LQW" which is easily copied to the back to "qstatusANTxfr.properties" which restore the encrypted password that was overwritten. Other directories to create local copies of the parameter files would be any of the conf directories such as the "q-statusLinux/qAlert/conf" directory

Or by phone:

LogiQwest, Inc.
16458 Bolsa Chica Street #15
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Telephone 714-883-1949
Cell Phone: 714-883-1949 (text)

LogiQwest, Inc. - USA        sales@logiqwest.com       Phone 714.883.1949 (also text)