Enabling SSH Collection Scripts
Note: The ANT transfer method provided in q-Status™ Windows is the same type of secure data transfer where data is encrypted when sent. the ANT transfer method does not require that ssh be installed on the Windows server (e.g. putty). The ANT transfer method is much easier to configure and does not require that ssh pairs be enabled that would allow changing to that user to obtained access to the q-Status™ web server without using a password. |
To automatic the processes requires:
Windows does not come with SSH software. The commonly used Freeware Windows Putty is used for SSH transfer. This must be downloaded and installed on each Windows server client. Putty can be obtained from the Internet at:http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
LogiQwest provides two downloads with q-Status™ Windows from this site that are required to create an automated ssh transfer processes through a bat script.
pscp.exe - A windows implementation of scp. puttygen.exe - A Windows implementation ssh-keygen to create the private and public keys. Place these software programs in the C:\Program Files\Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop\ directory for Windows Desktop architecture and C:\Program Files \Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsServer\ directory for Windows server architecture.
Click Here to donwload q-statusWindows™ ssh additions software (
To use the SSH transfer script called sshXFER.bat, requires the secure SSH file transfer system to be used in its place. The sshXFER.bat is located in the C:\Program Files\Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop\ directory for Windows Desktop architecture and C:\Program Files \Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsServer\ directory for Windows server architecture for this purpose. It must be edited or distributed to each Windows client servers and the following parameters assigned:
hostname or ip address of q-status Windows web server. |
directory on q-status Windows web server were files are to be sent |
ssh user |
rem # Modify these entries for SCP transfer ###################### |
For Unix:
To implement SSH transfer requires the creation of a transfer user.
For Unix:
To enable ANT or ssh collection processes, requires that a q-Status transfer user be established on the q-Status web server. This can be accomplished using useradd. In our example, we will established a q-Status transfer user home directory as q-statusLinux directory of web server (e.g. /var/www/html). Below is an example using useradd and creating a password for that user on the q-Status Web server.
q-Status Server [root@q-status_server]# useradd -d /var/www/html/q-statusLinux -M -c "q-Status Transfer User" -g 70 -u 70 -s /bin/sh qstatus [root@q-status_server]# grep qstatus /etc/passwd qstatus:x:70:70:q-Status Transfer User:/var/www/html/q-statusLinux:/bin/bash [root@q-status_server]# passwd qstatus Changing password for user qstatus. New UNIX password: ***** Retype new UNIX password: ***** passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
- When q-Status is delivers, it has set user and group as 70:70. In some Unix system this group and user is already defined as user and group as www:www or something else. Sometimes this group and user already exist on a Linux system. The customization of this user can group is left to the user.
- The qStatus user is set to run as a Bourne shell. Make use the default shell is Bourne.
Make sure the directory is owned by the q-Status user. Create the .ssh directory using ssh-keygen. For now we don't want to use the created keys, but ssh creates all required directories and files and sets the appropriate ownerships.
[q-server]# pwd /home/qstatus [q-server]# ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/q-status/.ssh/id_rsa): <just enter a return> Created directory '/home/qstatus/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <just enter a return> Enter same passphrase again: <just enter a return> Your identification has been saved in /home/qstatus/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/qstatus/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: 2d:ef:24:2b:be:75:25:67:5e:53:5d:67:e7:a4:30:ef qstatus@q-server [q-server]# ls -a total 8 drwxr-xr-x 3 qstatus www 512 Jan 13 17:53 . drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 512 Jan 13 15:37 .. -rw------- 1 qstatus www 778 Jan 13 17:53 .bash_history drwx------ 2 qstatus www 512 Jan 13 16:26 .ssh [q-server]# |
For Windows:
Under the Windows "User Accounts" GUI create a transfer user with "Administrative" privileges on each Windows Client. Privileges is very important particularly in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
Assign the same password to this user as on the q-Status™ Web server.
Login to each Windows client server as the transfer user and create a private and public key pair using puttygen.exe. You can use the Windows Explorer and change to the q-Status install directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop\ directory for Windows Desktop architecture and C:\Program Files \Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsServer\ directory for Windows server architecture). Then double click on puttygen.exe.
Select SSH2 RSA as the key type and use 1024 bits for the key length. Click on Generate.
Move the mouse over the Putty blank area as requested to create some random numbers for the key files. After that your keys will be created. Now save the keys.
Click on "Save public key" and on "Save private key" to write the generated keys to file. Don't enter a key passphrase when prompted or the automation will not work.
Call the files "%computername%.pub.ppk" and "%computername%.prv.ppk" and store them in the install directory C:\Program Files\Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop\ directory for Windows Desktop architecture and C:\Program Files \Logiqwest\q-statusWindowsServer\ directory for Windows server architecture). These names are very important. Do not change them. Finally exit puttygen.exe.
On the Windows Client:
Next log into the Windows server as the administrative user. You need to copy the key file to the q-Status Web server the public key (e.g. %computername%.pub.ppk) and convert it to the Unix/Linux ssh format. After that the key can be registered in the ssh authorized_keys file.
On the q-Status Window client open a DOS or Powershell terminal and copy the public key file to the q-Status Web server using pscp.exe command from the command line.
C:\Program Files\LogiQwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop>pscp MERCURY.pub.ppk qstatus@q-server:/home/qstatus/.ssh C:\Progtam Files\LogiQwest\q-statusWindows\Desktop\bin>sshXFERput.bat |
Note: The prompt to store the "ssh-rsa key" in the Putty Cache, must be answered just once as yes and must be accomplished by the administrative user to automate the process by a bat file.
On the Linux/Unix q-Status™ Web Server:
Login to the q-Status Web server and convert the key file to the Unix ssh format. In the .ssh directory of the q-Status transfer user, edit the copied public key files from Windows to convert it to Unix format.
From |
To |
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIB/mpItTdE33sXRZKxhBUwS7EITuOef/20KaZ6DtwSmw/tsQ8W9uk VThITh/3Y7k8mX3s1iVfsYRt/qI0+Bd4xJn6YqwIM+Ed10A6RLD2W/f9do+zMSZuaG9olQMXyVAV1md3fn5o Glqf3SEZAxrR/nXd6mUK525/ti9N0vtHhp1Q==qstatus@q-status-server |
The key file needs to contain one line only starting with ssh-rsa, a space followed by the key with no line breaks and ending with <user@q-status-server>. You can use the id_rsa.pub file in the same .ssh directory compare created by ssh-keygen. At the end concat the content of your "<hostname>.pub.ppk" to the authorized_keys file used by ssh.
bash-2.05$ pwd
bash-2.05$ ls
MERCURY.pub.ppk id_rsa id_rsa.pub
bash-2.05$ cat MERCURY.pub.ppk
Comment: "rsa-key-20060113"
bash-2.05$ vi MERCURY.pub.ppk
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAxIZjmAHXTbge/uLRArSnjQcZ+fGojphm+mlEIKLmGdUKtQTBB2Mw1sClvpTXmz
QyXtJJsXBm8= Administrator@MERCURY
bash-2.05$ cat MERCURY.pub.ppk >> authorized_keys
You have now configured ssh to accept logins without prompting for a password from the q-Status client using the private key. That makes it possible to copy the client data automatically.
To create other client server logins to the q-status Windows web server, concat (>>) the "authorized_keys" file with other public keys from other client servers that have been transferred with different names and repeat the step above on the q-status Windows web server.
To test the connect, try to copy the key file from transfer server again, using pscp command and the "-i" parameter. Through this parameter you tell putty to use the specified key.
C:\Program Files\LogiQwest\q-status>pscp -i MERCURY.prv.ppk MERCURY.pub.ppk qstatus@q-server:/home/qstatus/.ssh
If you are not prompted for a password, everything is configured correctly. Otherwise it might be helpful to view the log files to find out the reason, why the login was not accepted.
To enable the transfer batch file, comment out the line in the list_configs.bat and list_configs_disks.bat files. Make sure to assign the parameters in the sshXFER.bat.
list_configs.bat example @echo off rem ############################################################## rem # Copyright LogiQwest 2013 # rem # Name: list_configs.bat - support for ssh xfr # rem # OS: Windows Desktop # rem # Purpose: This is the q-status Master program to call all # rem # listing. This file requires editing to enable data# rem # transfer method. # rem # -----------------------------------------------------------# rem # Change history: # rem # Version 1.00:04 Jan 2004 Created # rem # Version 2.00:09 Jan 2009 Revised format. # rem # Version 2.01:31 Mar 2010 Added support for Windows 7 # rem # Scheduler. # rem # Version 2.02:29 Dec 2010 Added list.tasklist.bat. # rem # Version 2.03:10 May 2012 Added list.cpuz.bat. # rem # Version 2.03:15 Aug 2012 Added list.cpuz.bat and # rem # list.route.bat. # rem # Version 3.00:01 Dec 2012 Revise call to qstatusANTput.bat # rem # removed sshXFER.bat. No longer # rem # supported. Change called to # rem # list.disks.bat. # rem # Version 4.00:24 Jan 2013 Revised format to Rev 5.3. # rem # Version 4.0X:15 Mar 2013 Added ssh xfr option # rem ##############################################################cd "C:\Program Files\LogiQwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop\bin"call list.disks.bat call list.ipconfig.bat call list.route.bat call list.set.bat call list.software.bat call list.sysinfo.bat call list.tasks.bat call list.tasklist.bat call list.cpuz.batrem ############################################################## rem # Uncomment the appropriate method to automate q-status data # rem # data transfer. # rem ##############################################################rem call qstatusANTput.bat call sshXFERput.bat
Data will then automatically be transferred each time the scheduler runs the data collection.
Note: Since the public and private keys are stored in the q-Status™ Windows program, the q-Status™ user can be removed from the Windows server and the scp copy will still continue to function.
To automate the process, simply add an entry to the server client Scheduled Tasks. This can be accomplished by accessing the Windows Scheduler Manually or by run the bat program that automatically sets them up.
Two Schedule task are required. One that called list_config.bat and the other that calls list_config_disks.bat. Typically list_config.bat is called once a day and list_config_disks.bat is called every hour.
Click on "Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Scheduled Tasks" to start the Windows Scheduler.
To use the BAT script to update the Scheduler, For both 32 and 64 bit Windows architecture Included run the appropriate script bellow:
C:\Program Files\LogiQest\qStatusWindowsDesktop\bin\q-status_add_schtashs.bat
C:\Program Files\LogiQest\qStatusWindowsServer\bin\q-status_add_schtashs.bat
This bat file will add the two required tasks. Edit this bat file to change the time the schedule performs the task.
Note: You can remove the two schedules by running the q-status_delete_schtasks.bat in the same directory.
Click on "Add Scheduled Task" to start the wizard.
Click next. Click on browse to choose
"C:\Program Files\LogiQwest\q-statusWindowsDesktop\bin\list_configs.bat"
"C:\Program Files\LogiQwest\q-statusWindowsServer\bin\list_configs.bat"
as the Program to schedule.
After that define the user you want to execute the collection program.
Finally set the frequency and time you want the data to be collected.
Note: In the q-statusWindows Directory is a bat script called "q-status_add_schtashs.bat". This came be execute to add the schedule, but does need to be modified for the specific environment. This bat file is currently unsupported.
Wait for the next runtime and verify that it is working. At this point, automatic collection is enabled and q-status Windows will work properly. The installation is complete.